Monday, December 5, 2011

Vee is for Vaynerchuk

If you've never seen Gary Vaynerchuk speak before, be prepared for some cussing, swearing and F-bombs. Luckily I got to catch his keynote at Raleigh's Internet Summit, what a great speaker! As the author of "Crush It!", "The Thank You Economy" and one of the leading entrepreneurs in Social Media, Gary has earned that verbal latitude. But guess what? He keeps your attention and drills his ideas into your head with ease and ferocity. As he paced and danced across the stage at the Internet Summit last month, there was no doubt in my mind that most every eyeball in the room was focused on this man. And while his domain of expertise is in B2C, it makes me wonder how much of his premonitions and expectations will be leveraged and impact the B2B world? Here are some of Gary's thoughts on how social media is changing the business and marketing landscape:

* Marketing for 150 years has been push-based, now shifting to pull

* Traditional outbound marketing no longer effective, marketing should be a conversation

* Social media and the word of mouth ecosystem carries further than ever before and has disrupted communications and marketing

* Content is king but context (relationships) will be king, we are at the dawn of 1 on 1 marketing

* Companies struggle with social media because they act like 19 year old dudes, they try to close on the first move

* The majority of corporate CEO's and entrepreneurs twenty years from today will be women: marketing will become more emotional, nurturing, intuitive

* We are in a world of transparency where nobody and no business can hide

* We are on the cusp of the humanization of business, put your money into people

Now I do believe that often enough or not, B2C marketing and trends seep into B2B marketing over time. While the B2B marketplace is more factual, less emotional and risk-intolerant, will some of these ideas from Vaynerchuk impact B2B marketing? Or is the B2B market so different that these concepts stay rooted in the B2C world?

While it still remains to be seen how, exactly, social media and inbound marketing will impact the B2B world, we are already seeing some disruption. Transparency on the internet is clearly out there already. LinkedIn allows business ideas and experiences to be shared easily and readily. Will we need to shift the sales model and have sales reps work with prospects in more early-stage relationships? No more marketing-qualified leads or sales-qualified leads. Just focus on establishing connections with people using relevant, value-add content and information?

What I do know for sure is that technology platforms online and offline are transforming marketing as we know it today. While we may not have the definitive B2B platform to bring Gary's beliefs to fruition right now, who knows what tomorrow brings? And yes, maybe Gary is a bit closer to the truth than we'd all care to believe...

Catch Gary on Twitter @garyvee

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